Key Takeaways
- Mindless Affirmations Won’t Cut It: Simply repeating affirmations without tapping into the subconscious won’t yield lasting results. Dive deeper and understand the power of your thoughts.
- 95% of Thoughts Happen Subconsciously: Your subconscious mind is like a powerful autopilot, guiding your actions and behaviors. Understanding this is crucial to raising your vibration.
- Beliefs Shape Your Reality: Your beliefs are deeply ingrained perceptions, forming your truths. Recognize and challenge limiting beliefs to create positive change.
- Rebuilding from Within: To truly manifest your desires, you must confront fears and rebuild yourself at your core. Align your beliefs with your purpose for lasting transformation.
I used to be captivated by the allure of affirmations. Conscious incantations that require you to claim riches, health, and success. Suggesting that by simply speaking a word its material counterpart with appear. I, like most people wanted to believe that I could reform my life simply because I said so, because, let’s be honest, it doesn’t get much easier than that!
In the beginning, was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God
During that time, I, like most people, did not understand the true definition of the word. Webster’s Dictionary defines a word as a command, password, or signal. One’s account of the truth, especially when it differs from that of another person.
Your words are not the fleeting sounds we exchange in our daily lives. The mere resonations bouncing from one person to another. They’re the very essence of your truth, shaping your reality since the very beginning of your time on this earth!
Let’s journey back to the very beginning, when you were nestled in your mother’s womb, feeling the rhythm of life around you.
Can you recall the sounds that filled that sacred space? Was it a symphony of peace and love, gently nurturing your spirit? Or did uncertainty and anxiety cast a shadow on those precious moments?
As you ventured into the world, what words etched themselves into your being? Did abuse sow the seeds of doubt or fear, leaving scars on your subconscious mind? Or were you showered with nurturing challenges and encouragement, instilling a belief in your boundless abilities?
Our childhood experiences lay the foundation for who we become, shaping our beliefs and guiding us through life’s twists and turns.
You must practice reflecting on those formative years and recognize the power they hold over your present and future.
When the subconscious mind must choose between deeply rooted emotions and logic, emotions will always win
Diving into the depths of your psyche is the only path to mastery over your life experiences. I read a quote that said, “your subconscious mind knows what you really want in life, but you disregard it.” This quote, to me, is very misleading. Because it assumes that your subconscious mind wants the best for you. We know that the opposite can be true. For many of us our subconscious minds with lead us down paths that our logical minds are running from.
To truly raise our vibrations, we must confront our deepest beliefs and dismantle the limiting notions that hold us back. Therein lies the gateway to self-transformation and authentic manifestation. The journey demands courage, a willingness to face our fears, and to rebuild ourselves from the very core.
So, as you take this journey of absolute detoxification, remember that mindless affirmations will only lead you into a cycle of anxiety and confusion. Embrace the profound power of your subconscious, for it is here that the keys to true self-improvement and growth are found. Align your beliefs with your purpose, and journey forth on the path of meaningful transformation and self-love.
Join the Conversation
Share your thoughts and experiences below. Do you firmly believe in verbal affirmations? Have they consistently had a positive impact on your life? Let’s explore and grow together!
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I have used affirmations before and found them effective but I find it’s a process that must be done daily to see actual results.
I’m happy to know that affirmations have been effective for you. Yet, for certain individuals, if they’re not affirming a value deeply rooted within them, it might pose challenges to overcome. Repeatedly affirming something their subconscious perceives as untrue could lead to heightened frustration and restlessness in their thoughts.
Thank you for this amazing article!!
Thank you!
The idea that our subconscious mind knows what we truly want, even when we disregard it, is both empowering and challenging. It shows that we must confront our deepest beliefs and emotions to align ourselves with our true desires. It requires courage to face our fears and dismantle limiting notions that may be holding us back.
Yes, it is a courageous journey for those of us who take it. Sometimes your “support systems” get angry that you are attempting to dismantle long held familial trauma bonds. Isolation can cause you to shrink and cower.